Kunst im oeffentlichen Raum, Kunst am Bau, public art sculptures© ART Roland Faesser

© ART Roland Faesser


Roland Faesser
Zurich / Switzerland



public art commissions

virtual exhibitions


Works in private and public collections such as:
Ursula Hauser, Stella Ahlers, Julius Baer Bank Zurich, City of Zurich

google collection

continually updated

masters & urban hacking download PDF

July 01, 2024

public art projects download PDF

June 30, 2024
DE version

paintings download PDF

April 29, 2024

sculptures download PDF

December 03, 2023

Know Your Rights artnet review > scroll down a bit

February 24, 2021

Kunsthalle Zurich download PDF

July 31, 2020

Symbiose: Kunst und Kultur, md magazine

May 12, 2020

PRESTIGE review, e-mag cover & pages 30-36

December 15, 2018
PDF download / EN translation

short abstract 2015-18 download PDF

December, 2018

now on Instagram

August 15, 2016

10 amazing artist websites that will captivate you

July 10, 2016

review artcentron

January 14, 2015

review annabelle

March 18, 2014

studio Zurich 360° interactive panorama

February 16, 2013

friendly outgrowths download PDF

June 28, 2010

Das Geweih in den Wolken, Basler Zeitung BAZ

August 28, 2008
antlers in the clouds exhibition, mitart gallery Basel

presentation House of Lords London

May 10, 2002

the wind menagerie

Sueddeutsche Zeitung July 30/31, 1994
The nature and development of aquatic animals – an exhibition at Brochier gallery Munich

© Roland Faesser, 2024
Roland Faesser holds the exclusive right to display, distribute, reproduce, alter, include in other works or use in any other manner any content displayed on this website and to prohibit or authorize on agreed terms any such use by others. To request authorization, please contact Roland Faesser.